Saturday, March 3, 2007

In my travels, it became ever clearer to me that each of us was dealing with our own personal demons, some more then others. What separates one person from another? Their ability to deal with stress, to let go of the past and to move on. The more we allowed the flames of hell to burn in our hearts, the heavier the weight of ashes.



Spicy said...

If I held on to the past,,and the memories,,I could not have possibly raised my children and now my grandchildren.
Letting go of the familiar is difficult but you have to, or go insane.

Children with out voices said...

If you forget,do you allow the abuse to continue in your life?

Eagles Nest said...

There is a big difference to me between living in the past and learning from it. If you let the past rule your life how will you learn from it and make the future better?

Children with out voices said...

Unfortunately in many situations history repeats itself.

Another Day

 I look back at a lifetime and I don't even recognize the woman who was or the woman I became.  Everyone is gone that the post would app...